Sunday, January 11, 2015

Scripture Memorization

Since I first began to dive into God's word, He has fanned the flames of that passion into steady embers.  The bible studies I have worked through (bible study is work, yes) have spurred some of the most dramatic change in my life. 

Much. Needed. Change.  But not nearly enough. 

Lord, transform me.

For years, I have used my Words of Life cards to pray through those scriptures daily, speaking the power of them out loud into my day.  I have prayed some of them so many times, that the words will always come to me, card in hand or not.  

May my gentleness be evident to those around me.  Today, I will not be anxious about anything.  But I will, with thanks and praise, present my requests to God.  And His peace which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind today as I present my requests to God.  I will think about things that are true, noble, pure, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.  And the God of peace will be with me today.  (Phil 3:5-9)

The power of speaking God's Word into my life will brighten the worst of my moods.  Breath hope into my darkness.  But as always.. God has more in store. 
Scripture memorization.... could that be one of the keys to transforming this biblical knowledge that sparks and inspires my heart, into something that can flow into the lives of those around me, something embodied in my actions, loving others like Him?

Let my tongue sing of your word, Lord. (Ps. 119:172)

So with my sisters in Christ at Beth Moore's Living Proof Ministries Blog, I am joining the Siesta Scripture Memory Team for added encouragement and accountability on my goal this year to memorize 2 new scriptures per month.  Along with about 20,000 others, as of writing this post, I will post my scripture to memorize as a comment on their blog on the 1st and then a new one of the 15th of every month.

Here on my blog, I will also post my current scripture and invite you to post yours.  

First memory verse for 2015:

I will walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which I have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for others in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  (Eph. 4:1-3 NASB)

Not easy (suprise of the day, right)...but possible.  Just like the way, since our move from Alabama into the multi-cultural hub that is Central Florida, I have begun to speak like those I am around the most and lost some of my southern drawl. OK, Ok, I said I lost SOME. I will also be enabled to speak like, act like, love like, become humble like Christ as I spend more and more time keeping His words within my heart.   

I will be attentive to His words, I will incline my ear to His sayings.  I will not let them escape from sight, I will keep them within my heart.  They are life to me, one who found them, and healing to my flesh.  (Prov. 4: 20-22)

As I focus on my memory verse and most of all on changing an unhealthy pattern of behavior, reacting instead of responding, I am grateful for this gem from Colossians 4:6 "Let my speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that I will know how to respond to each person."

If you look closely at the words, you notice there are steps in this verse.  The first verb is "let" which implies a natural Holy Spirit action is on the other side of my "releasing" it to happen.  If I allow this natural side effect of Christ in me, guiding me through details of every day life, yes, even my words, the result will be I will know how to respond to each person.  Before the desired result of knowing how to respond, there is a pause, a waiting on God moment.  

As I am one who regularly reflects on and regrets my words spoken in haste, like "vomit" of the mouth, completely thoughtless and NOT FILLED WITH GRACE, I have peace as I see the beauty of the Christ filled life.  It is He who transforms me... Not I.  I just have to let it happen.

Edited on Oct. 4, 2015 - Scripture memorization has been a focus of mine this year, although I haven't been able to keep up the pace of the Siesta Scripture Memory Challenge and memorize 2 per month, I have memorized 6 separate passages this year.  It is order to my thoughts in my crazy days and on weeks when I lose that focus, I lose that order. YIKES!  Thank you, Jesus, for Your constant reminders.

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